Join Teens Strength Sessions with Coach Nick to unlock your full athletic potential. Build strength, skill, and power under his expert guidance.
Coach Nick's wealth of knowledge and experience allows him to tailor a plan aligning with your specific goals. Whether enhancing power, explosiveness, strength, or speed, these sessions offer the guidance and support you need to succeed.
With a proven track record coaching athletes in Powerlifting, Rugby, Athletics, Waka-Ama, and Bodybuilding, Coach Nick's thorough and precise coaching style ensures the highest level of guidance for all ages and skill levels.
Each athlete receives a plan crafted for their specific goals, adjustments, and regular real-time support. You will receive constructive feedback from Coach Nick, along with recordings of your sessions for future reference. Coach Nick is available 7 days a week for all his clients.
Teens Strength Sessions not only teach proper lifting techniques but also apply new skills to your chosen sport. Coach Nick's elite coaching methods will push you to get stronger and help you break through your limits.
Don't miss the opportunity to train with Coach Nick at 318 Fitness. Book your sessions now and embark on a strength journey to become the best athlete you can be.
Sessions available 7 days per week from 6 am to 7 pm.
***Please note: All sessions must be used within 12 weeks unless there are special circumstances or arrangements made with Coach Nick.